I'm the first to admit that I am a big Beyonce fan. I think she is beautiful in every sense of the word- vocally, in physical appearance, and in personality. I love her voice, the sound of her singing Halo, live, will stop me in my tracks. In the past I have had words of her music sprawled across my Facebook page, playing on my Myspace page, and yes indeed, Halo is one of my favorite ring tone's on my iphone. But I've discovered that there are some lesser known songs by Beyonce out there that grab a hold of me and put me a place that few others do. Like the song that Ellen said was her very favorite when Beyonce was on her show. It one that I had never heard of before for some reason until that day, and she sang it live on Ellen's show. The song titled Flaws and All. "I don't know why you love me, and that's why I love you, you catch me when I fall, you accept me, flaws and all..." Now at the time, all I did was sit listen to the beautiful sound emitting from the t.v. But as I thought about the song over the next few weeks, and looked up the words, as I often do for way too many songs every song I hear that I like, the words began to cycle through my head.
Perfect is something that I am far from, never have claimed to be, never will. In fact, I am hugely flawed and imperfect. Most of the time I accept my flaw's and move on, after all, I was created flawed in His image, and those flaw's are a part of what makes me "me." But sometimes I really start to look at my flaw's and question them. Are they just flaw's or are they my flaw's for a reason? Are my flaw's there to show me the change I need to make within myself, or to try and drive me closer to someone that I should be? Are the purpose of my flaw's to mold me into the person I'm meant to be, should I not fight my flaw's so much, but rather succumb to them once in awhile? Or perhaps are my flaw's meant to open my eyes to the person I'm capable of becoming, but don't want to become, because maybe that person is not the best person to be.
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