Our sweet, sweet princess!

The kids enjoyed a festival at a local credit union, celebrating childrens credit union week (who knew there was such a thing!)

We went to the South Texas Shoot-out for the third year and enjoyed the Blue Angels again! It was lots of fun, but I could have done without the flight line being so darn HOT!!

Amazing aren't they?

Sheldon told me that he wants to be a Navy pilot when he grows up, I told him I think that would be awesome!

The Easter bunny left a rather large ammount of eggs scattered around our yard this year!

Zack ran the Arise and Run, his first 5K, with running club. He did great!

Sheldon, Delainey and I attended a ladybug release at the botanical gardens. It was AMAZING, thousands of ladybugs everywhere...the kids loved it!!! Way cool!

You wouldn't believe how many ladybugs came out of this bag!

We met the Easter Bunny at the command Easter egg hunt...went well, don't you think? *sigh* Oh well, maybe next year will be the award winning picture!

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