Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This week I certainly did not rush out the door as soon as my husband got home, three evenings in a row, to go to the gym because I needed a break so bad! I always make sure to spend some quality time with him before dropping everything and running to the driveway!
I did not give in to my 2 year old and let her sleep in my bed 3 nights because I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to go through the fight of keeping her in her bed!
I did not let my housework go for so long that I looked around one morning and questioned if I was in the right house or not...my house would never have that many toys scattered around, or that many piles of laundry in the guest room!
I did not panic at the reality of my income being cut in half in the next few weeks, because I know that God already has it all worked out for me, without me stressing over it!
I did not get so frustrated over my weight loss efforts not meeting my standards that I ate a whole row of sugar free oreos all at one time, while pouting!
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