I often find myself wondering "why me" when it comes to some of the antics my sweet children pull around here! I really was a mild mannered, well behaved child, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm being paid back for from my childhood (it's been talked about that maybe it's meant for my husband, but he's not the stay at home parent that actually gets to witness it all). Now, once I hit high school, I sadly can't say the same thing, and am well aware that once my own offspring reach those lovely teenage years, I better hold on and brace myself ( I might want to warn my hubby about that too!)
Looking into their baby blue eyes surrounded by those sweet faces, you would never guess some of the trouble they can stir up, I myself find it hard not to smile and start laughing more often than not, once I see their face staring up at me...which does not help relay your message of seriousness as a parent! What exactly could they possibly do you ask? Well, how about the time my sweet baby boy peed in my fridge one afternoon? Yes, you read that correctly...peed in my fridge! Apparently, he was sleep walking while napping in the playroom, my hubby and I were sitting in the living room and he asked me "do you hear water running?", I got up to go see what he had heard. Upon entering my kitchen and not believing my eyes, I began to laugh so hard that I could not even stand up, and being quite pregnant, almost peed on the spot myself! What I saw was my little son standing in front of the fridge, door wide open, pants around ankles, aiming a stream of urine straight at the bottom of my new fridge! I could not contain the stream of tears running down my face from laughing so hard! My son finished his business, pulled up his pants, and returned to the playroom. It was quite apparent by the dazed, blank stare on his face that he had no idea what was going on! So, me, my bottle of Clorox spray and roll of paper towels got to work! I won't even go into the time he decorated the ENTIRE living room with an orange crayon, furniture and all!
I'll admit that he's the mild mannered one of the bunch most days, my sweet princess on the other hand, well, she has trouble written all over her beautiful face! She's the one that has had me picking up frozen broccoli all over the house from her "cook it", covered several of the window panes on the back door with mud, climbed the outside of our stairs and pulled her body through to the other side leaving her head stuck in the railings, and most recently smashed several eggs in the garage and tried to set our home ablaze! Yes, ablaze! (And this all in two short years!)
Last week she decided to try and cook some shoes for herself. By the grace of God, I was very near her when this happened and was able to save us all! Like most days, she decided to empty my cabinets for me in the kitchen. She had plastic bowls and such strewn all across the house, she had my rice cooker out and she pulled the toaster out as well. The toaster is where we find the trouble for the day! Laineybug decided to go and find her little fluffy, white, bling bling, house shoes that my mother got her for Christmas (no more of those mom). And hey, look, I have two shoes, and the toaster has two slots on it...must be to put my shoes in! (Or at least that's what I'm going to assume her thought process was on this one!) Now, normally, I wouldn't freak out about her playing with the toaster because I keep all of our outlets covered, so I giggled about what she was doing and continued on with my business in the kitchen.
A few moments latter, Sheldon came into the room and began to observe what his baby sister was doing... at least he told me he was just watching! Within seconds I realize that I smell smoke. I look up and see my two youngest children huddled by the back door, starring into my toaster ( need I remind you what's in the toaster at the moment). After losing my train of though for a split second, I come to my senses and notice that, "OMG, it's plugged in!" I run over and quickly yank the cord out of the wall, yelling some things that I won't repeat at the moment, daringly reach into each slot of the toaster and pull out two, smoking, melting, fluffy white house shoes! All the while, my small children look at me with a blank stare!
I could not believe what had just occured! See, we had a visitor earlier that day who had used the outlet, which is why it was left uncovered, not that I put blame their, I should have checked it. And so of course, my children seized this rare opportunity and plugged in the small appliance, and naturally turned it on to toast some house shoes for an afternoon snack! Laineybug later said of the melted shoes," I broke shoes, buy more at store" as she threw them into the trash can!
Yes, it's in the many moments like this that I ask myself "what did I ever do to deserve this?" And of course, I smile and think, I wouldn't have it any other way!
P.S. I warned you in the title not to drink while reading this, so if you now have a drink spit out on your monitor, I hold no blame ;)