Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Taylor Swift, boy can she sing...and write a song that will tug at your every heart string!!! She is one of my favorite singers, actually, the words in her songs are some of my favorite. I really like love songs, I can usually take a song and relate it's words to my own life or feelings, as I'm sure so many others can. But there are some singers that put out entire CD's that can instantly bring me to tears, or elation, with their words, because I can relate so closely to what they are singing, Taylor is one of those singers, Colbie Caillat is another, but I won't go there for fear that I'll never stop!

One of the first things I do when I buy a new CD is immediately pull out the coverlet and go through the words of each song. At the very back of Taylor's Fearless CD I found this, where she explains what being fearless means to her-
"Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshman year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again...even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. It's Fearless to have faith that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. I think it's Fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, it's Fearless to stop believing them. It's Fearless to say "you're NOT sorry", and to walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is Fearless. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is Fearless. Letting go is Fearless. Then, moving on and being alright...That's Fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charming's and happily ever after!!! Love is Fearless." Taylor Swift

Wow, that spoke volumes to me when I first read it! From someone so much younger to me, to have already figured all that out!!! I am far from being fearless, this I know, but I recently told one of my very best friends that it's fearless to believe that someday you WILL be fearless!!! There are a few things in Taylor's fearless story that I should do right now, but simply don't yet have the courage to do...I hope that someday I too will be fearless! I'm sure many have already heard about or read Taylor's fearless story, but I wanted to share it anyway since it's so touching and maybe it will inspire you to be fearless today!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Reso....What?

Oh, New Years Resolutions, yeah, I don't think I'll be making any of those this year! After all, I never seem to make it trough the whole year sticking to them anyway. I'll think instead, I'll just remain in close prayerful contact with my Father, and lean on Him to help me through the New Year!

If I were to make some resolutions, which I'm not, I imagine they would be things such as, I will go to the gym at least 4 times each week, or, I will really make it through my 365 Day Bible in 365 days this year! Maybe even something like, I will not spend time focusing on things that I have no control over, or let people hurt me when they plainly don't care enough to not hurt me. Something along the lines of, I will not loose my patients and get snippy with my children when they ask me over and over again the same thing in the same fifteen minute time span! Never mind, I'm always patient at all times, ahem, anyway, lets move on! After all, the only one that would realistically maybe happen ALL year, might be the gym one, but who's counting!

Whatever my resolutions may have been, you know, if I were to make them, they are already covered. I know that all I need to do is lean on God and be prayerful in all I do, and He will ensure all of my needs are met, that as long as I put time aside for Him each day, then He will ensure time for everything else, that through Him, I can change into the person He intends for me to be! So if I were to make just 1 resolution, I would say it would have to be that I resolve to spend this next year striving to be to woman that God fully intends for me to be! I hope that God richly blesses you in 2010, all your prayers are answered, and the unanswered ones...well, I've learned sometimes God knows what He's doing with those too Unanswered Prayers!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Not Me! Monday!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. After all, who couldn't use the chance at a last minute end of the year honesty session without being judged for it!!!

This week I in no way waited in line at Wal-Mart for 20 minutes to check out on Christmas Eve, with only 5 items in my arms, simply because I failed to take a list to the store with me earlier in the week, and then failed to return to said store before the mass Christmas Eve crowds hit! No way, I 'm way to prepared for that sort of thing!!!

I most certainly did not go to the mall one day last week and return with my own Christmas gift,  to ensure I would get exactly what I wanted, even though I was given specific instructions by my husband "do not buy your own gift!" I would never do such a thing as save my husband the joy of fighting the Christmas crowds to spend hours searching for the perfect gift in an overcrowded mall!

You will not find my Christmas cards still sitting in my car waiting on stamps, because I would never let something so small as moving across the country right before the holidays, or you know, a week at Disney World, get in the way of something so important as our family Christmas cards! Good thing I made them Happy New Year's, we've moved cards this year!!! (Guess I should head to the post office as soon as this post is up)

Last week I in no way was bribing sweet Laineybug with chocolate to encourage her to use the potty! I would never bribe my children, nope, never, not me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Unanswered Prayers...

While I'm usually fairly good about not questioning the why's of things, okay, who am I kidding, I'm really bad about it...but I'm trying to get better (still working on that whole contentment thing!) I AM good at knowing that in due time God's time, all the why's become more than clear! Even all those unanswered prayers...or what we maybe just thought were unanswered prayers!

Awhile back I did a Not Me Monday, one of my favorite blogs to do by the way, just in case you were weren't, oh sorry, well now you know! Anyway, it was this about God answering a prayer that I've been praying for years, and me being in denial about Him answering it simply because it wasn't in the exact manner I had been requesting! Imagine that, that He would do things His way rather than mine! Well, shortly after that post it became very clear, that that specific prayer was to still remain unanswered!

Now at the time, I met this with great frustration, as I had no understanding why it was to be this way. I try most times really hard to let most things go, and know that it's allready laid out for me, and no amount of worry I do, will change the course of any of it. But being human, and created to a fault, I can't help but question it sometimes. And question it, I did! Have I recieved answers, not really. Am I okay with that? Right now, yes. I've realized that as hard as is to not have this prayer answered, maybe I don't really want it answered! Of course someone else allready knows that, and maybe that's why for years, this certain prayer has remained unanswered.

As I write this I truly have no idea why this prayer is to remain unanswered but I know that for today I'm gratefull it isn't. I also know that someday it will become very apparent why it was never to be answered, someday maybe a month from now, it maybe five or ten years from now, all I can do is be patient and wait! And being patient is something I'm so very good at (insert large amounts of sarcasm here!!!) One thing I'm sure of is that I'm thankfull for both answered and unanswered prayers...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Are you feeling guilty for feeding your children cereal for dinner three nights in a row last week? Hanging your head in shame because you had to re-wash the same load of laundry four times because you left in the washer too long? Don't worry, Not Me Monday is your chance to let it out and get it off your chest, with no judgement! Started by MckMama, you can head here to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. As for me well...
I was not recently seen acting in this manner...
as if I was re-living my college days or something  wishing I had acted this way in college, ahem! Most certaintly not me in a million years!
While my husband and three of our children were out of town, I in no way took full advantage of the situation and did not cook dinner for Laineybug and myself one time! At least not on the stove. Afterall, that may make me a bit lazy, so of course I still prepared homecooked meals for my precious daughter every night, and not once went out to eat!
Upon entering the living room and seeing this scene...
I in no way just left her to nap there, because I thought it was one of the cutest things I had seen in a long time!
I in no way spent part of my weekend doing something that I've been waiting  for, for a very long time, and I certainly did not enjoy every moment of it! Because I don't believe that good things come to those that wait!
I most certainly did not publish this post soooo fast that there is probably a million errors in it...sorry!!! A good blogger, would never do such things!
So what about you, what have you not been doing lately? I and the rest of the bloggers at MckMama's would love to hear all about it, and believe me, it's very theraputic! Won't you give it a try, and join us?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Goodbye's Got Me Down

Ugh...I'm usually a pretty upbeat person, but today, I just feel, ugh! Know what I mean? The goodbye's have got me down! As a military wife you have more than your fair share of goodbye's, but they never really get any easier! With each new duty station that you relocate to comes new adventures, new places, new experiences, and new friends! But, that also means there comes a time when you have to leave all that behind and say goodbye.

We've been at our current location for six years, so you can imagine we've grown quite close to some of our friends here! Today I had to say goodbye to one of my very best friends that I've ever had (she to is a military wife, and it was her family's time to move on). As I stood in my front yard embracing her one last time, both of our eyes filled with tears, my head swirlled with all of the years of wonderfull memories that we will forever have stored in our hearts! And as hard as it is to have to say goodbye, I do realize how very blessed I am to have the chance to meet such wonderful people and make such amazing friends every few years! Although, the friends I've had to say goodbye to can never be replaced, there is some comfort in knowing that new friends are not far behind for us both.

So as much as I hate goodbye's, and as much as I tried to prepare myself for today, it really has been an emotional day that I've seen coming for months now, I've have just tried not to think about it! And to add to the ugh factor, tomorrow I have to say goodbye to my husband, as duty calls him elsewhere for, ugh is right! Such is the life of a military wife, but you know what? I still wouldn't change it for the world!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Not My Child Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! My Child! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what her and everyone else's children have not been doing.

My darling son most certainly did not sleep walk into my kitchen and open my new fridge, pull his pants down and pee right into it! No way, because that would be an un-speakable act!

I have in no way had to drag my daughter out of Target kicking and screaming, more times than I can count, because all she wants to do is stand in the shoe department and try on high heels! Afterall, my child does not have a princess compex, no way, no how!!!

It is not my sweet daughter that actually likes to go around the back yard with a shovel and bucket and pick up doggie poo! Because surely she listens when her mother tells her that it's not a princess thing to do, and she should let the boys do it!

Two of my son's did not spend hours in the back yard this past Saturday night practicing "fake farts" with some fake fart makers they just acquired, and thought it was THE greatest thing in the world!

I did not in any way have to talk to my son about hitting a classmate in the privates on the playground, just because someone else did it, because I asure you, we have raised our children to be leaders, not followers...or so we thought!

When I walked into the kitchen and found my daughter not sucking on a bottle of chocolate syrup, she did not look at me at say "what, I didn't do anything?" How do you not laugh at that?

One of our older boys did not show us this weekend that he can burp his A, B, C's, and when he didn't do that, we just could not contain how very proud of him we are! Wow, I'm so impressed at what four years of school has gotten us so far!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!

That's right folks, it's that time again, Not Me! Monday. Who doesn't love the opportunity to admit some imperfection's or let go of some guilt, without judgement!  This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I was not so wrapped up in editing photos that I let my children eat way too many snacks 'till way too past lunch time, before stopping to actually feed them lunch. I would never do such a thing, feeding my children comes first before everything else!

There is no way I let the tops of my feet get sunburned at the beach! Because afterall, I know so much better than that, I know that I hate that worse than anything else, and I always apply and re-apply sunscreen to my feet! I would never let such a thing happen!

I surely have not left a picture hanging crooked in my stairwell because, well, simply because, I haven't fixed it, maybe by next Monday, it will be straight again! I walk by that picture many times a day, and of course would take 2 seconds to stop and straighten it!

This week when my husband made a small joke about having another baby, I most certainly did not freak out on him!  I naturally took it for the joke that it was, and laughed it off as any sane person would do... did not over react like the crazy mother of four would do! (Thank's Dr. W for that fab tubal ;-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scrumptious Saturday Supper

So being the foodie that I am, I took pictures of our Saturday night meal and decided to  share it with all of you fine people! First off are my homeade rolls, yes my friends, they are the coveted S. H. recipe! If you know what I'm talking about, then you know why they are picture worthy, they are to die for!

Here they are done rising.
And here they are HOT out of the oven!
And around here, we can't even wait to let them cool off before we pull rip them out of the pan, slap some butter on them and shove them in our mouths...that's how good they are!
There was also fresh asparagus, one of my favorite veggies!
And then there were the grilled portabello mushrooms, mmmmm! Here they are before hitting the grill!
I chose to enjoy my scrumptious Saturday supper with an equally scrumptious Woodchuck draft (amber, of course, not pear, I only made THAT mistake once!). What's that, you've never had the pleasure of enjoying a Woodchuck draft? Oh my, you don't know whay you're missing! And now that I've re-lived this yummy meal, I'm going to go wipe the drool from my chin before it hits the keyboard! But don't be fooled, not every meal is like this around here, just every other meal ;-)!
So, what did you have for supper Saturday?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I most certaintly did not start to punch harder during Body Combat when the instructor said "picture someone under you that you don't like" when we were doing downward punches. That would have been very un-lady like, and I would never do such a thing!

In an effort to cust cost's on laundry expenses, I surely didn't let Laineybug wear the same dress for two days in a row, that would be a very un-clean thing to do! And it was most certainly not to avoid the complete melt down that resulted from trying to put on a clean outfit!

I did not hang my head and smile grin from ear to ear at the sight of Laineybug putting her earings back on as soon as she emerged from the pool! She really melts my heart!!!

When my dear husband burried two of our children at the beach, I did not have the passing thought of leaving them that way for a few peaceful hours. Afterall, there would surely be something illegal about that, and I am a strict law abiding citizen! ( I think the oldest knew what I was thinking!)
When my car would not start in the Target parking lot on this HOT 4th of July Saturday morning, I definatley most certainly did not, nearly throw a hissy fit in the middle of the car dealership when they tried to tell me that the rental place was going to give me a compact car untill  Tuesday! "You would like me to put my FOUR children where, and we're paying for this extra service to have a car comparable to what we drive daily why?" I was afterall nowhere near being in a horendous mood after sitting in the near hundred degree weather, seconds before a thunder storm rolled into the said Target parking lot waiting for the wreaker to pick me and my car up- I would never be caught in public in a such a mood! But guess what, I had MY car back by 4pm that same day!
So what would you like to get off your chest today? Why not join MckMama, me, and  hundreds of others today as we Not Me Monday and let it all out!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bling Bling Baby!!!

So I left our children in the care of my darling husband for awhile yesterday to go do my two week grocery shopping, which you can imagine for a family of six, is a chore huge undertaking! When I returned home this is what I was met with.

Laineybug had talked daddy into thrown a huge fit in the middle of a store so daddy would buy her this lovely jewlery set! She was all decked out in her blinging new earings, necklace, bracelet, and ring. She was so excited to tell me all about it, she could barely get her words out fast enough. And you can bet it all stayed on untill right before bedtime, and went right back on first thing this morning! Don't you just love her!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Month in Review- June

Wow- half way through 2009 already, time really is flying by!!! June was sort of low key around here, but fabulous just the same. The kiddos finished off the school year with a bang! They each had class parties and field trips to various locations, D to Sea World, Z to the State Capitol, and S bowling. I don't recall ever having such exciting (or expensive or that matter), field trips as a child!

Here's a picture of Sheldon at his Jungle Jubilee party!

Delainey was entertaining (as always) at the 5th grade awards and graduation, which by the way, lasted waaaay longer than a two year olds attention span!
I stumbled upon Delainey napping in the recliner with Ginger one afternoon in the sunshine (don't mind the slightly tatterted worn out chair) that's a whole different story!
I am very excited about a new photography project I'm starting! I've been interested in it for awhile now, and have actually started taking the photographs for it this week. A few lucky friends will even get samples as I will need lots of "free" practice (and you don't even have to live near me to be a lucky recipient of this awesome photog project,) does that spark your interest? I will say that my children have been looking at me like I'm crazy when they see me taking some of the photos I've been taking! Although, they look at me like I'm crazy half of the time they see my fab Canon come out!
I hope you and yours had a fabulous June as well, and wish everyone a wonderful second half of 2009!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not Me Monday

So after a few weeks off, I'm very glad to be doing Not Me Monday again! Not that I have anything to get off my chest or anything ;)! Not Me Monday was started my MckMama, you can check out her wonderful blog, to find out what she, and everyone else is not doing on this glorious Monday!

I did not take full advantage of my mom being in town and let her do all the laundry and cooking while she was here! I do tell her everytime not to do it, and she does it anyway. It's nice to be loved!!!

I did not let my children stay up waaaaaay to late every night during the above mentioned visit from grandma. And I am not now paying the hefty price of that treat!

While getting a mani and pedi before leaving town last weekend I surely didn't think to myself that I should do this every week, because afterall, I should be entitled to such pampering all the time!

When I didn't get my way on something that I was really looking forward to, I surely didn't pout for two whole days (and of course, am not still pouting), and make my poor children wonder what in the world was wrong with their crazy mother!

Last week I did not break out in tears while getting Laineybug to bed for reasons that I really shouldn't be crying over, I didn't let my emotions get the best of me in a moment of weekness!!!

While driving to a car dealership with my sister so she could help me pick up one of our cars that was there for repairs, I surely did not drive right past the entrance, causing me to have circle the entire 3 block radius around the place to get back to the entrance! No, because that would make me completley scatter brained, and more sleep deprived than I could imagine!

Facebook did not and will never consume way more of my time than I would admit, because of all the people I've re-connected with though it! I have not been amazed and soooooo very happy to find some long lost friends and family too! Last week was not a very productive FB week!

So play along if you so dare, let it all out and get it off your chest, you'll feell much better, I promise!

Let It Go...

So I'm not usually one to quickly admit my faults less than desirable traits, but it has become quite apparent in recent months that self inflicted torture seems to be one of them. Isn't that a trait you would like to have too? Okay, okay, not like physical torture, I am after all the one who can barely have blood drawn without passing out! But more like mental torture by pushing things to the limit, and not being able to leave well enough alone! And I seriously can't just let it go!!!

I'm the person who although I know very well the answer to a question I'm about to ask will be "no," will ask anyway, knowing very well that hearing "no" will not leave a good taste in my mouth (that couldn't possibly be where my two year old gets it from). But alas, I can't just not ask and let it go, that would be too easy! More times than not, I can't just drop something and let it go. I'm one of those, talk it through and work it out 'till I'm blue in the face kind of gals, even if in the end I'm a crying mess thinking to myself "I should have walked away five hours ago!" (Not that I have very many five hour conversations, but you know!)

Being a people pleaser drama hater I often don't say what I really want to say, because heaven forbid I upset or offend anyone. So I then keep it all bottled up inside, and the other party gets to think everything is perfectly fine and I'm great with being a doormat! Then of course I am upset with myself for not speaking my mind and for letting people off the hook so easily, while I am left an emotional wreck!

I expect more from people than I know they can give, and then get upset when they don't produce the results I'm waiting for, and then get mad for getting upset (I just can't win)! I'm the one who will relive a memory from decades ago (I'm still not sure why we can't erase certain memories) and also relive the emotion that came with it, good or bad...over and over and get my point. I'm the one who will wait for that phone call I know will never come and still get upset that it doesn't come! That will wait for someone to change so I can let them back into my life, and continue to be disappointed time and time again, and allow the hurt to grow rather than cut all ties...I know, I know, people don't change (but when it's family, you still hold the hope that they will)!

Maybe someday, I hope it's soon, I'll learn to just let it go, and let it be! To not set myself up for letdown, to not put me in a position to get hurt, to not push something to the point of being more than it really is. I'd probably be much happier if I could just let allot of things go! But all in all "I don't regret it and I don't think it was just a waste of time," are words I still hold true to my heart!!! For as I've said before, in everything is a learning experience!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Change is Brewing

Wow, I haven't written a blog in awhile! I've REALLY missed Not Me Monday's the past few weeks (not that I have anything to confess or anything ;))! I feel like I have a ton of stuff swirling around in my head right now just waiting to spill out, so much so, that I'm afraid it won't even make any sense once I step back and look at it all laid out on paper, so bear with me on this one!

Change. Everyone faces change, big or small at some time. Change can be good or bad, depending on how you face it. I'm not really sure yet if people can change, I am sure that people can change their way of thinking, and their way's of believing. This year has thrown lots of change in my direction, and lots more to come. Some of it was very expected, some quite the opposite! Awhile back in a Not Me post, I wrote about being in denial about God answering a prayer I had been praying about for years, just because He wasn't answering it the way I was praying for it to be answered (as if I'm the one in control). Well, since things weren't going the way I thought they should be going, I was ready to write the WHOLE situation off, throw my hands up in the air, turn around and walk away, never to look back...funny how things work! Less than 24 hours later (I am not kidding!) the situation was literally dropped right back in my lap! I suppose walking away from this situation was not the change I need right now! And I have since tried to walk away once more, only to have it dropped right back in my lap once again! Apparently we are not as in control of the change that happens in our lives as we want to be (although, I already knew that).

I have recently made an unexpected change in one of my ways of thinking which was completely shocking to even myself! Not a huge change I suppose, but still, rather ground breaking you could say. I stepped outside of my comfort zone if you will for a moment to try something I had never tried before, and honestly never thought I would. ( NO it wasn't illegal, no, I'm not going to say here what it was). I guess the biggest thing I got out it was, don't judge a book but it's cover...cliche, I know!

The biggest change is yet to come later this year. It is a life changing change (no, I'm not having a baby, heaven help me if I was!), but until our entire family is made fully aware of what is, I'm not at liberty to post just yet what it is. But, we are expecting it, we are preparing for it, and we are excited about it! It's a change that I'm looking to with optimism, and hope!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Treats!

I scream...

You scream

We all scream


Ice cream!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happiness Lies in the Hands of the Beholder

I wrote a blog at the start of this new year (not here, on another site which I'm not going to link to, just yet), but I will tell you that it was about striving to be content with all aspects of my life. It's really been lingering on my mind lately and this morning I forced myself to go and re- read it. I'm not saying that I'm not content with my life, because really I am, just that I want to start having less of the days were I let the negative creep into my thoughts, to try and turn it around and put a positive spin on whatever it may be content with whatever it may be! To not live in the past or the future, but be 100% content with today!

As I read my "contentment" blog this morning, feeling a little deflated anyway, it somehow triggered more thoughts about happiness rather than contentment. I guess that the two do go hand in hand, or maybe my focus should currently be on happiness rather than being content, that maybe there is a bigger difference between the two than I realize! Most people that really know me would probably say I'm a very happy person for the most part, which is true. I try to be a positive person and keep everyone happy...maybe to happy! I'm starting to wonder if I focus to much on keeping everyone else happy rather than really going for the things that make me truly happy? Not that I would ever wish for anyone I know to be unhappy, but that maybe I should not worry so much about how what I say or do will make THEM happy, but rather does it make ME happy? Is that selfish?

Just yesterday, I was faced with a situation that brought up a variety of different thoughts and feelings about a situation. I of course reacted, but in hindsight, didn't really react the way I would have liked to. Why not? Because had I reacted the way I wanted to, or with the words I wanted to, someone may not have been very happy with what I had to say! And heaven forbid I make anyone unhappy with me!

But why should I be worried about it, if it would make me happy to say or do what I really want to, then shouldn't that be what I do? Regardless of what whoever happens to be on the unhappy side thinks? I wish it was that easy, but for me it's not! I'll admit that I probably do care too much about what others think, and how they feel, sometimes even more than worrying about how I feel or think! I do though try and take every opportunity I can to walk away from things with the fact that I have learned something from it, and that from it I will grow. Although, not always obvious at the time, I can usually in hindsight look back and see how I grew from each situation faced with. So maybe I need to start putting the "happiness" focus more on myself rather than others. Don't worry so much about whether what I'm doing or saying is making them happy, but rather, is it making me happy? After all, maybe if I'm truly happy, it will have a ripple effect and those around me will be happy too!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Month in Review- May

Laineybug had her first trip to the dentist, and did quite well!

Waiting for x-rays. See that dark spot on my lip, yeah, that's from her head butting me twice in the same spot a few days earlier...lovely!

We of course played a night of adult only Rock Band!

Laineybug decided it would be a good idea to break a bunch of eggs in the garage, I of course, took it as a photo op!

We helped my dear friends daughter, Jay, celebrate her sweet sixteen!

D & Z playing a round of mini golf at the party.

Laineybug and friends playing golf.

And who could let such pretty table decor go to waste! The shirt is a whole nother story!!

Laineybug talked her way into an early cupcake from before Jay's party while we were making them the night before! Who could say no to that face!

Of course, Sheldon had to have one too!

Sheldon had his Kindergarden graduation.

He spotted me in the crowd.

Zack and Stace ran the 2009 Beach 2 Bay on Armed Forces Day. It was an early morning (started for me at about 4:40am), but it was a blast! Here's Stace getting ready to hand off the batton at the end of leg 3. The squadron team place in the top half for the military division!

The sunrise that morning at Bob Hall Pier where Zack started off on leg 1.

Zack getting ready. He ran on the LJE boys team one, they took FIRST place in elementary boys, breaking an 11 year winning streak by our rival school! They rocked!! They were also in the top 6% overall!

...Now to see what June has in store!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I certainly did not rush out the door as soon as my husband got home, three evenings in a row, to go to the gym because I needed a break so bad! I always make sure to spend some quality time with him before dropping everything and running to the driveway!

I did not give in to my 2 year old and let her sleep in my bed 3 nights because I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to go through the fight of keeping her in her bed!

I did not let my housework go for so long that I looked around one morning and questioned if I was in the right house or house would never have that many toys scattered around, or that many piles of laundry in the guest room!

I did not panic at the reality of my income being cut in half in the next few weeks, because I know that God already has it all worked out for me, without me stressing over it!

I did not get so frustrated over my weight loss efforts not meeting my standards that I ate a whole row of sugar free oreos all at one time, while pouting!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Month in Review- April 2009

I picked up a new hobby...just kidding!

Our sweet, sweet princess!

The kids enjoyed a festival at a local credit union, celebrating childrens credit union week (who knew there was such a thing!)

We went to the South Texas Shoot-out for the third year and enjoyed the Blue Angels again! It was lots of fun, but I could have done without the flight line being so darn HOT!!

Amazing aren't they?

Sheldon told me that he wants to be a Navy pilot when he grows up, I told him I think that would be awesome!

The Easter bunny left a rather large ammount of eggs scattered around our yard this year!

Zack ran the Arise and Run, his first 5K, with running club. He did great!

Sheldon, Delainey and I attended a ladybug release at the botanical gardens. It was AMAZING, thousands of ladybugs everywhere...the kids loved it!!! Way cool!

You wouldn't believe how many ladybugs came out of this bag!

We met the Easter Bunny at the command Easter egg hunt...went well, don't you think? *sigh* Oh well, maybe next year will be the award winning picture!