Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Goodbye's Got Me Down

Ugh...I'm usually a pretty upbeat person, but today, I just feel, ugh! Know what I mean? The goodbye's have got me down! As a military wife you have more than your fair share of goodbye's, but they never really get any easier! With each new duty station that you relocate to comes new adventures, new places, new experiences, and new friends! But, that also means there comes a time when you have to leave all that behind and say goodbye.

We've been at our current location for six years, so you can imagine we've grown quite close to some of our friends here! Today I had to say goodbye to one of my very best friends that I've ever had (she to is a military wife, and it was her family's time to move on). As I stood in my front yard embracing her one last time, both of our eyes filled with tears, my head swirlled with all of the years of wonderfull memories that we will forever have stored in our hearts! And as hard as it is to have to say goodbye, I do realize how very blessed I am to have the chance to meet such wonderful people and make such amazing friends every few years! Although, the friends I've had to say goodbye to can never be replaced, there is some comfort in knowing that new friends are not far behind for us both.

So as much as I hate goodbye's, and as much as I tried to prepare myself for today, it really has been an emotional day that I've seen coming for months now, I've have just tried not to think about it! And to add to the ugh factor, tomorrow I have to say goodbye to my husband, as duty calls him elsewhere for awhile...so, ugh is right! Such is the life of a military wife, but you know what? I still wouldn't change it for the world!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Not My Child Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! My Child! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what her and everyone else's children have not been doing.

My darling son most certainly did not sleep walk into my kitchen and open my new fridge, pull his pants down and pee right into it! No way, because that would be an un-speakable act!

I have in no way had to drag my daughter out of Target kicking and screaming, more times than I can count, because all she wants to do is stand in the shoe department and try on high heels! Afterall, my child does not have a princess compex, no way, no how!!!

It is not my sweet daughter that actually likes to go around the back yard with a shovel and bucket and pick up doggie poo! Because surely she listens when her mother tells her that it's not a princess thing to do, and she should let the boys do it!

Two of my son's did not spend hours in the back yard this past Saturday night practicing "fake farts" with some fake fart makers they just acquired, and thought it was THE greatest thing in the world!

I did not in any way have to talk to my son about hitting a classmate in the privates on the playground, just because someone else did it, because I asure you, we have raised our children to be leaders, not followers...or so we thought!

When I walked into the kitchen and found my daughter not sucking on a bottle of chocolate syrup, she did not look at me at say "what, I didn't do anything?" How do you not laugh at that?

One of our older boys did not show us this weekend that he can burp his A, B, C's, and when he didn't do that, we just could not contain how very proud of him we are! Wow, I'm so impressed at what four years of school has gotten us so far!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!

That's right folks, it's that time again, Not Me! Monday. Who doesn't love the opportunity to admit some imperfection's or let go of some guilt, without judgement!  This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I was not so wrapped up in editing photos that I let my children eat way too many snacks 'till way too past lunch time, before stopping to actually feed them lunch. I would never do such a thing, feeding my children comes first before everything else!

There is no way I let the tops of my feet get sunburned at the beach! Because afterall, I know so much better than that, I know that I hate that worse than anything else, and I always apply and re-apply sunscreen to my feet! I would never let such a thing happen!

I surely have not left a picture hanging crooked in my stairwell because, well, simply because, I haven't fixed it, maybe by next Monday, it will be straight again! I walk by that picture many times a day, and of course would take 2 seconds to stop and straighten it!

This week when my husband made a small joke about having another baby, I most certainly did not freak out on him!  I naturally took it for the joke that it was, and laughed it off as any sane person would do... did not over react like the crazy mother of four would do! (Thank's Dr. W for that fab tubal ;-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Scrumptious Saturday Supper

So being the foodie that I am, I took pictures of our Saturday night meal and decided to  share it with all of you fine people! First off are my homeade rolls, yes my friends, they are the coveted S. H. recipe! If you know what I'm talking about, then you know why they are picture worthy, they are to die for!

Here they are done rising.
And here they are HOT out of the oven!
And around here, we can't even wait to let them cool off before we pull rip them out of the pan, slap some butter on them and shove them in our mouths...that's how good they are!
There was also fresh asparagus, one of my favorite veggies!
And then there were the grilled portabello mushrooms, mmmmm! Here they are before hitting the grill!
I chose to enjoy my scrumptious Saturday supper with an equally scrumptious Woodchuck draft (amber, of course, not pear, I only made THAT mistake once!). What's that, you've never had the pleasure of enjoying a Woodchuck draft? Oh my, you don't know whay you're missing! And now that I've re-lived this yummy meal, I'm going to go wipe the drool from my chin before it hits the keyboard! But don't be fooled, not every meal is like this around here, just every other meal ;-)!
So, what did you have for supper Saturday?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I most certaintly did not start to punch harder during Body Combat when the instructor said "picture someone under you that you don't like" when we were doing downward punches. That would have been very un-lady like, and I would never do such a thing!

In an effort to cust cost's on laundry expenses, I surely didn't let Laineybug wear the same dress for two days in a row, that would be a very un-clean thing to do! And it was most certainly not to avoid the complete melt down that resulted from trying to put on a clean outfit!

I did not hang my head and smile grin from ear to ear at the sight of Laineybug putting her earings back on as soon as she emerged from the pool! She really melts my heart!!!

When my dear husband burried two of our children at the beach, I did not have the passing thought of leaving them that way for a few peaceful hours. Afterall, there would surely be something illegal about that, and I am a strict law abiding citizen! ( I think the oldest knew what I was thinking!)
When my car would not start in the Target parking lot on this HOT 4th of July Saturday morning, I definatley most certainly did not, nearly throw a hissy fit in the middle of the car dealership when they tried to tell me that the rental place was going to give me a compact car untill  Tuesday! "You would like me to put my FOUR children where, and we're paying for this extra service to have a car comparable to what we drive daily why?" I was afterall nowhere near being in a horendous mood after sitting in the near hundred degree weather, seconds before a thunder storm rolled into the said Target parking lot waiting for the wreaker to pick me and my car up- I would never be caught in public in a such a mood! But guess what, I had MY car back by 4pm that same day!
So what would you like to get off your chest today? Why not join MckMama, me, and  hundreds of others today as we Not Me Monday and let it all out!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bling Bling Baby!!!

So I left our children in the care of my darling husband for awhile yesterday to go do my two week grocery shopping, which you can imagine for a family of six, is a chore huge undertaking! When I returned home this is what I was met with.

Laineybug had talked daddy into thrown a huge fit in the middle of a store so daddy would buy her this lovely jewlery set! She was all decked out in her blinging new earings, necklace, bracelet, and ring. She was so excited to tell me all about it, she could barely get her words out fast enough. And you can bet it all stayed on untill right before bedtime, and went right back on first thing this morning! Don't you just love her!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Month in Review- June

Wow- half way through 2009 already, time really is flying by!!! June was sort of low key around here, but fabulous just the same. The kiddos finished off the school year with a bang! They each had class parties and field trips to various locations, D to Sea World, Z to the State Capitol, and S bowling. I don't recall ever having such exciting (or expensive or that matter), field trips as a child!

Here's a picture of Sheldon at his Jungle Jubilee party!

Delainey was entertaining (as always) at the 5th grade awards and graduation, which by the way, lasted waaaay longer than a two year olds attention span!
I stumbled upon Delainey napping in the recliner with Ginger one afternoon in the sunshine (don't mind the slightly tatterted worn out chair) that's a whole different story!
I am very excited about a new photography project I'm starting! I've been interested in it for awhile now, and have actually started taking the photographs for it this week. A few lucky friends will even get samples as I will need lots of "free" practice (and you don't even have to live near me to be a lucky recipient of this awesome photog project,) does that spark your interest? I will say that my children have been looking at me like I'm crazy when they see me taking some of the photos I've been taking! Although, they look at me like I'm crazy half of the time they see my fab Canon come out!
I hope you and yours had a fabulous June as well, and wish everyone a wonderful second half of 2009!