Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
My heart goes out to this sweet family! If you don't know the whole story about baby Stellan, please go to his mommy's blog, it's an amazing story of heartbreak, hope, miracles, and awe inspiring faith in God! I wish there was something I could do for them, I'm praying of course, but yet, I still wish I could do more. So, in honor of Stellan....here's my "Not Me Monday!" Stellan Style!
I did not get pissed along with MckMama last week, or understand why she was so angry, no way, no how!
I did not question God why this is happening to this poor baby and his family.
I did not go through and read almost all of MckMama's posts from when they first found out baby Stellan was sick, after I learned about this sweet family a few weeks ago.
I do not tear up every time I read an update on baby Stellan.
My heart did not melt when I saw the picture of Stellan sleeping safely with his central line!
I did not love the pictures MckMama posted of her other MSC and what they've been up to.
I did not rack my brain trying to come up with an awesome way to spell Stellan for him.
I did not pray for this sweet baby every day.
I did not pray that MckMama continues to stand strong in her faith which has carried her this far.
I do not know that God can work a second miracle on Stellan's tiny heart in His own time!