Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's what having kids does to you!

My husband laughed and told me, "that was a good one," when I told him one of our children's fish went crazy from having babies. I on the other hand, didn't laugh, as I was serious...well, sort of anyway! You see, a few weeks ago he and I saw the rare event of actually watching one of the fish in our kitchen give birth to 4 tiny fish, that in itself was shocking to me as I've always thought fish lay eggs, hence caviar being fish eggs, but anyway, we sat amazed and watched the miracle of child, I mean, fish birth!

A few days later we noticed that the mommy fish was not doing so well, swimming erratically, floating upside down, strange things like that. After this continued for several days my husband decided that something must be wrong with her brain from having babies. This is when I told him that, yes, having children kills your brain, which explains why I no longer have a memory when I need it, I told him that having babies sucks the life out of you, they steal your brain, they make you so tired you can't see straight, or swim straight, and that yes, having the baby fish made her crazy! He thought this was quite comical.

Sadly, after swimming upside down and keeping us all glued to the aquarium with watchful eyes for several weeks, our mommy fish passed away yesterday. Luckily though, even though my children have stolen my brain, keep me so tired I don't know what day it is, and plain run me ragged...I am still here to love every minute of it, and would gladly give up my brain, and sleep for them any day!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! Lainey reminds me of Xylie! Boy can my girl talk...nonstop. I am often asking her for question breaks and moments of silence.
