If I were to cry over spills around here, I would drown in my own tears! My spirited little girl, surrounded by older children, of course wants to drink out of a "big girl" cup. Just like her older siblings do! She often follows me to the cup cabinet, after asking for a drink, in order to make sure that she makes it clear to me that she wants "dat one!" As she points upwards to a specific cup, never the sippy cup that I'm grabbing for, she is quick to tell me "no, dat one!" We go through this a few times as I try to coax her into a lovely, spill proof sippy, which she will have none of! After several failed attempts to change her mind, I oblige, not wanting to hinder her from being the big girl she wants to be. When I finally grab a small "big" cup, she smiles and tells me "mmmhhh, dat one!" Mommy's such a sucker for a cute face!
As I put a tiny amount of her drink of choice into the cup, I tell her "don't spill it, it will be all gone!" Ha, I laugh at myself! Like looking into a crystal ball, I know that soon, I'll be cleaning it up off the floor! Sure enough, within minutes I'm on my knees, bottle of cleaner and paper towels in hand, wiping up the sticky mess. *SIGH* What's a mom to do? I try not to think about the fact that this is the third spill I've cleaned up so far today, or the fact that I was asking for it by not giving her a lid, or that I wish I had someone to clean up after me. I instead think about how thankful I am that God gave me this small child to raise, how she's growing up so fast and someday won't need me to clean up after her, that for her, this is part of a learning experience.
As we approach this Easter weekend, it reminds me of how God gave his Son to clean up after us all! That no mess I ever have to clean up, will compare to the mess Jesus cleaned up when gave his life on the cross for you and me! And that I continue to be covered in grace, as I'm sure to continue making messes. So, as I clean it up, I try to breathe and remind myself that this is the only time she'll be little, and cleaning up this tiny mess is just a small part the blessing God gave me in this small child!
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"Her children rise up and bless her." Proverbs 31:28
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