We started the month out with Zack's 10th birthday

Laineybug had her first trip to the ice cream truck! As you can see, she REALLY enjoyed her Power Puff Girls Ice cream!

Before school let out for spring break, we had chilifest! It's the annual school chili cook off, and family picnic. It was cold and rainy, so we ended up picnicking in the school.

Technobug-Laineybug discovered Mp3 players! I couldn't keep from laughing when she emerged from the playroom with a beanie on and earphones in her ears, dancing and singing to the music!

A rare moment captured in time!

And lastly, Sheldon and Delainey took a quick morning trip to the always loved, duck pond! Luckily, this time Delainey managed to avoid being bitten by a goose, however, she did make sure I remembered that they did indeed "bite you," last time we were there, and of course when she says "you," she means "me" lol!

So that was March for us! April is sure to be just as great!
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