So after a few weeks off, I'm very glad to be doing Not Me Monday again! Not that I have anything to get off my chest or anything ;)! Not Me Monday was started my MckMama, you can check out her wonderful blog http://www.mycharmingkids.net/, to find out what she, and everyone else is not doing on this glorious Monday!
I did not take full advantage of my mom being in town and let her do all the laundry and cooking while she was here! I do tell her everytime not to do it, and she does it anyway. It's nice to be loved!!!
I did not let my children stay up waaaaaay to late every night during the above mentioned visit from grandma. And I am not now paying the hefty price of that treat!
While getting a mani and pedi before leaving town last weekend I surely didn't think to myself that I should do this every week, because afterall, I should be entitled to such pampering all the time!
When I didn't get my way on something that I was really looking forward to, I surely didn't pout for two whole days (and of course, am not still pouting), and make my poor children wonder what in the world was wrong with their crazy mother!
Last week I did not break out in tears while getting Laineybug to bed for reasons that I really shouldn't be crying over, I didn't let my emotions get the best of me in a moment of weekness!!!
While driving to a car dealership with my sister so she could help me pick up one of our cars that was there for repairs, I surely did not drive right past the entrance, causing me to have circle the entire 3 block radius around the place to get back to the entrance! No, because that would make me completley scatter brained, and more sleep deprived than I could imagine!
Facebook did not and will never consume way more of my time than I would admit, because of all the people I've re-connected with though it! I have not been amazed and soooooo very happy to find some long lost friends and family too! Last week was not a very productive FB week!
So play along if you so dare, let it all out and get it off your chest, you'll feell much better, I promise!